Om säsong 2!!

Have the Pretty Little Liars discovered the identity of A?

On the first season finale, a hooded figured pushed Ian off the church railing (to his death?) and series creator Marlene King tells The New York Post “the girls will come to the conclusion that was A” when this series returns in June.

That doesn’t mean they’re correct, of course.

Elsewhere in the interview, King touches on Jenna, her sight and her newly-discovered relationships. Excerpts are below.

What’s the deal with Jenna and Officer Garrett?
There’s so much more to Jenna and Garrett… They’re really fun together and we’ll find out they definitely have a past and it’s definitely going to be an integral part of the mystery in season two.


Jenna is blind… right?
I’m not going to tell you that! But I will tell you is that Toby definitely believes that Jenna is blind.


Will we see more of Lucas?
Lucas is going to be very prominently featured in the first couple episodes of season two. He’s going to form this really fun bromance with Caleb that I think the audience is going to love.


How would you summarize what’s ahead?
Season one felt really like the hunt for Allison’s killer. Season two is very much more about the hunt for A. The PLLs decide to push back. There’s also a fun storyline involving a therapist. The police wind up thinking the girls are lying about Ian and their parents get together and insist they go to see someone to deal with these seemingly obsessive thoughts about pinning Allison’s murder on Ian. The therapist is going to play a very important part of season two and in the girls hunt for A.


Top 10 bästa quotes från Säsong 1

10. Caleb: “What do you like to do for fun on weekends? Break old ladies’ hips?”

(From Episode 18: “The Badass Seed”)

9. Hanna: “And now your mom’s back there packing boxes.”
Emily: “Maybe we can pack her up.”
(From Episode 22, “For Whom the Bell Tolls”)

8. Byron (about Ezra): “He does that boyish smile thing a little too much, but I figure that must work for him.”
(From Episode 17: “The New Normal”)

7. Aria (seeing Wren): “Oh, is that the new fiancé? Is he as uptight as Melissa?”
Spencer: “No one’s as uptight as Melissa!”
(From Episode 2: “The Jenna Thing”)

6. Lucas: “This year, I plan to go from Honor Roll to toilet roll.”
(From Episode 12: “Salt Meets Wound”)

5. Hanna: “Oh, he found me — looked at me, and then got on the bus to Bastardville.”
(From Episode 22: “For Whom the Bell Tolls”)

4. Maya (to Emily): “You were one buckle short of a straight jacket.”
(From Episode 12: “Salt Meets Wound”)

3. Aria (to a football player): “Don’t you guys have practice, or did you lose your balls?”
(From Episode 13: “Know Your Frenemies”)

2. Hanna (to Aria): “One eye is bigger than the other. You look like a strung-out Powerpuff Girl.”
(From Episode 15: “If At First You Don’t Succeed, Lie, Lie Again”)

1. Aria (after Hanna criticizes her): “Can we just break [Hanna’s] other leg?”
(From Episode 14: “Careful What U Wish 4”)

Lucas körde till Rosewood med Caleb?

Pretty Little Liars fans, som du, har bevisat för oss ännu en gång hur duktiga och kreativa ni är med era geniala teorier om seriens obesvarade frågor. Och vi måste ge info till den som kom upp med idén att det var Lucas och Caleb som körde in i Spencer och Melissa bil på säsongsavslutningen.

Mind-blowing teori! Dock. . . En av seriens författare, Marlene King, har officiellt spräckt den teorin:

"Det är inte sant. När vi såg dessa två var de långt, långt ifrån Rosewood,"

Marlene sa även att en osannolik vänskap är på väg att utvecklas mellan Caleb och Lucas.

Hur tror ni detta kommer påverka Hannas relation till dem båda? :)

Drew Van Acker nya Jason?

Jason Dilaurentis kommer att bli recasted för säsong 2 !
Vi har fåt in nyheter om att Drew Van Acker kommer att ta över rollen som Jason i säsong 2.


Långfilm av PLL?

Vi är vana att se våra favorit Disney Channel serier bli filmer- Men hur är det med dina favorit program på ABC Family?
I en intervju nyligen med Deadline antydde Pretty Little Liars författaren I. Marlene King att showen kanske får en film-chans.

Hon sa,
"Jag vet att alla skulle älska att skapa en film och franchise runt detta. Vi har pratat om att göra en långfilm när flickorna blir äldre. Men jag tror att det definitivt är en guldålder i TV för kvinnor"

"Det fanns en tid då kanaler inte fattade det faktum att det är kvinnor som mest tittar på TV. Min systerdotter går på college i Syrakusa och måndag kvällar är det  Pretty Little Liars kväll. Varje studentrum har det på. Men tonårs flickor behöver ju nödvändigtvis inte titta på showen live. Det finns allt i iTunes och Hulu. "